Thursday, 9 November 2017

Accentforex Trader 4 U

AccentForex reviews. ACCENT FOREX er en ekte TRO og de stjal pengene mine ved å gi meg en unnskyldning for Liberty Reserve. Ikke engang tenk at du kan trekke ut fortjenesten din fra ACCENT FOREX Bare glem det, fordi du ikke kan selv trekke dine egne penger som du har deponert til ACCENT FOREX. ACCENT FOREX bruker nedleggelsen av Liberty Reserve som en ny unnskyldning for å STEAL penger fra handelsfolk. Dette er e-posten som Accent Forex sendte til meg den 27-06-2013, og det viser nøyaktig hvordan de stjal pengene mine. Hello UBONRAT HUANGSRI. Alle dine midler, deponert gjennom Liberty Reserve, ble frosset av USAs regjering på LRs kontoer. AccentForex er ikke eier av LR og kan ikke kompensere tap som følge av den amerikanske regjeringen. Det ble derfor besluttet å stoppe alle Betalinger fra kontoer som er deponert gjennom LR Du kan skrive en klage til den amerikanske regjeringen og LR Company. As du kan se Accent Forex, er STEALING pengene mine ved å fortelle meg at pengene mine er i min Liberty Reserve-konto, og de er en ikke eier av LR, og jeg må skrive en klage til den amerikanske regjeringen og LR Company Er det ikke morsomt. Og jeg ville bare spørre Accent Forex disse spørsmålene 1 - Er mitt fond på min handelskonto eller i min LR-konto når jeg handler 2 - Hvordan kan jeg handle på Forex Market ved hjelp av din Broker MT4 når pengene mine er i min Liberty Reserve konto 3 - Når pengene mine er på min trading konto hos Accent Forex da, Hva har det å gjøre med USAs regjering eller LR Company. My Name er UBONRAT HUANGSRI, jeg vil gjerne informere alle dere om at Accent Forex er et rent SCAM og en ekte TROD De stal mine egne innledende innskuddspenger ved å gi meg noen unnskyldninger om Liberty Reserve, som min konto gjør ikke bekymret for Liberty Reserve Jeg åpnet en ny konto med Accent Forex og Deposited 3000 USD Via LR, har jeg mistet nesten 1 3 av kontoen min på grunn av deres RE-QUOTES og OFF-QUOTES og INVALID PRIS-OPPSETTELSE av MT4, og etter Den situasjonen skjedde med LR, og den ble stengt og lukket d, da ba jeg om tilbaketrekking via Webmoney, men de tillot meg ikke å trekke tilbake mine egne innledende innskuddspenger 2.084 USD som jeg hadde bodd på min konto, og de ga meg noen unnskyldninger om LR, jeg visste at det bare er en unnskyldning , Fordi jeg har 3 kontoer i 3 andre meglere og de tillater at klienter velger andre alternativer for innskudd og uttak, og jeg fjernet pengene mine fra andre 3 meglere via webmoney uten problemer eller unnskyldninger om LR, så etter aksent forex ga meg dette Unnskyld, jeg åpnet en ny konto med Accent Forex, og jeg overførte alle pengene mine 2084 USD fra min gamle konto til den nye kontoen, og jeg valgte Webmoney-alternativet, og jeg deponerte også 9 USD via Webmoney for å bevise min nye konto med den nye betalingen alternativ, så etter at jeg ba om en tilbaketrekking via Webmoney fra min nye konto og igjen tillot de ikke å trekke tilbake mine egne innledende innskuddspenger. Selv om min nye konto ikke vedrører LR, ville jeg bare trekke mine egne penger som Jeg har deponert på kontoen min, men de gir meg ikke til og med å trekke tilbake mine egne penger. Jeg var også enig i at Accent Forex tar halvparten av pengene mine og lar meg trekke bare halvparten av mine egne innledende innskuddspenger. Men når tyvene vil stjele din penger. De vil ha alt det de ikke engang bryr seg om at du er dårlig eller hva de bare vil stjele. Er det ikke morsomt at du innskudd, og du mister nesten 1 3 av kontoen din, og du kan ikke få Remain av din egen første Sett inn penger tilbake Er det kalt STEALING eller ikke Etter det snakket jeg med dem og sendte dem så mange e-postmeldinger, men jeg får aldri noe svar unntatt disse to unnskyldningene de sendte meg via e-post That. Dear UBONRAT HUANGSRI. We sjekket din Ta ut Forespørsel og påminn deg om at ditt siste innskudd var fra WebMoney Payment System på 9 Dessverre kan du ikke trekke tilbake alle forespurte midler på grunn av en situasjon med Liberty Rsrv. Vi vil holde deg informert om situasjonen vil bli endret. Og i dag på 27- 06-2013 Jeg har fått sin siste E - post. Hei UBONRAT HUANGSRI. Alle dine midler, deponert gjennom Liberty Reserve, ble frosset av USAs regjering på LRs kontoer. AccentForex er ikke eier av LR og kan ikke kompensere tap som følge av den amerikanske regjeringen. Det ble derfor besluttet å stoppe alle utbetalinger fra kontoer som er deponert gjennom LR Du kan skrive en klage til den amerikanske regjeringen og LR Company. Jeg prøver å ringe dem på Telefon, men det var ingen svar, og jeg finner også ut at adressen og telefonnummeret de nevnte På deres nettsted finnes det aldri Til slutt vil jeg gjerne fortelle alle at Accent Forex er en Scam Broker, de er tyver og de vil stjele pengene dine og du kan ikke engang få dine egne innskuddspenger tilbake fra dem jeg har mistet mer enn 10000 USD før På grunn av deres cheatings, og nylig de Stolte min egen innledende innskuddspenger på 3000 USD Forresten, Alle disse beste og gode kommentarene her og på de andre nettstedene på Internett, er alle laget av Accent Forex Staffs og de er Jeg er ikke sann. Vær bare at noen hjelper meg og forteller meg hva jeg skal gjøre. Tags AccentForex vurderinger. Først av alt vil jeg definitivt si at alle disse gode og beste kommentarene her er laget av Accent Forex staber, og de er ikke sanne. en ekte THIEF og de stjal pengene mine med så mange måter å jukse og så mange Bullshit unnskyldninger. IKKE engang tenke at du kan trekke ut fortjenesten din fra ACCENT FOREX Bare glem det, fordi du ikke kan selv ta ut dine egne penger du har Deponert til ACCENT FOREX. Please Bare les all denne kommentaren, og du vil vite selv. Først av alt ACCENT FOREX Bruker nedleggelsen av Liberty Reserve som en annen ny unnskyldning for å STEAL penger fra handelsmenn. Mitt navn er UBONRAT HUANGSRI, jeg er fra Thailand Jeg vil gjerne informere dere alle om at Accent Forex er et rent SCAM og en ekte TRO. De stjal mine egne innskuddspenger ved å gi meg noen tuller unnskyldninger om Liberty Reserve, som min konto ikke vedrører Liberty Reserve. De har faktisk mange forskjeller. nt måter å stjele penger fra klienter, og jeg vil fortelle deg nå, Mitt første sak med Accent Forex begynte fra 2011 da min mann, Mr Jack Raphael, bestemte meg for å handle med Accent Forex, og da åpnet vi vår første konto under min fetters navn , og vi deponerte 2000 USD på hennes konto via Liberty Reserve, og de viser sitt virkelige ansikt ved å først snyte. De belaste meg 2 99 USD for hvert innskudd jeg gjorde via Liberty Reserve, som LR aldri belaster noen gebyrer for overføring av midler, var LR Ladestilling maksimalt 2 99 USD Bare når det mottar fondet, men det blir aldri belastet når det overfører fondet jeg visste dette fordi jeg brukte LR i ca 4-5 år og jeg hadde også kontoer med en annen megler og de belaste aldri gebyrer når klient deponert via LR Da jeg snakket med dem og jeg spurte dem hvorfor de leter disse pengene de bare ga meg noe uklar svar at LR belaster disse pengene, ikke aksent forex, noe som helst det var deres første juks, den andre juksen er deres tonnevis av RE-QUOTES og OFF-QUOTES og INVALIDPRISER også DISCONNECTION av MT4 som vi fikk, og vi klarte ikke å lukke handler og endelig mistet vi, og den tredje juksen av Accent Forex er den bonusen, de ga oss en skurkbonus, MEN de kutter vår bonus da vi var minus, mens vi ikke nå Margin-samtalen, tok de tilbake bonusen deres uten noen varsel, og da jeg spurte dem hvorfor de ga meg et annet uklart svar at det ikke var dem, var det sentralbanken som kuttet min bonus og tok bonusen tilbake Til slutt hadde vi mistet alle pengene mine av alle disse grunnene RE-QUOTES og OFF-QUOTES og UAKTISK PRISER AVKOBLING av MT4 og også kutte bonusen. Jeg forstår fortsatt ikke hvorfor Accent Forex tilbyr bonuser når de planlegger å kutte bonusen og årsaken til at kundene mister det. Det var ikke nok for oss å se at Accent Forex ikke er ærlig og de jukser og vi tenkte kanskje det er vår egen feil, og vi kan ikke klandre dem. Så etter at vi var dumme nok å åpne ytterligere 10 acc ounter med dem under mine fettere og familienavn og vi deponert igjen og igjen og de gjorde de samme måtene å jukse og stjele pengene mine igjen til vi har mistet mer enn 10000 USD av mine egne penger og vi gjorde ikke noe fortjeneste selv 1 USD Om mitt siste tilfelle, Så, vi har bestemt oss for å gi dem enda et skudd, og vi åpnet en siste ny konto under mitt eget navn UBONRAT HUANGSRI og jeg har deponert min siste penger på 3000 USD Via LR, da mistet mannen min nesten 1 3 av Min konto, På grunn av deres RE-QUOTES og OFF-QUOTES og INVALIDPRIS-OPPSETTELSE av MT4, og etter at situasjonen skjedde med LR, og den ble stengt og lukket, ba jeg om tilbaketrekking via Webmoney, men de tillot ikke meg for å trekke tilbake mine egne innskuddspenger 2.084 USD forblir det jeg hadde på kontoen min og de ga meg noe uhyggelig unnskyldninger om LR, jeg visste at det bare er en unnskyldning, fordi jeg har 3 kontoer i 3 andre meglere og de tillater kunder å velge En annen mulighet for innskudd og uttak og Jeg fjernet pengene mine fra andre 3 meglere via Webmoney uten problemer eller Unnskyldninger om LR, Så etter at Accent Forex ga meg denne uhyggelig unnskyldningen, åpnet jeg en ny konto med Accent Forex, og jeg overførte alle pengene mine 2084 USD fra min gamle konto til den nye kontoen og jeg valgte alternativet Webmoney, og jeg har også deponert 9 USD via Webmoney for å bevise min nye konto med det nye betalingsalternativet. Så etter at jeg ba om tilbaketrekking via Webmoney fra min nye konto og igjen tillot de ikke Jeg trekker tilbake mine egne innskuddspenger Selv om den nye kontoen min ikke gjelder for LR, ville jeg bare trekke mine egne penger som jeg har lagt inn på kontoen min, men de gir meg ikke til og med å trekke tilbake mine egne penger. Jeg var også enig i at Accent Forex tar halvparten av pengene mine og lar meg trekke bare halvparten av mine egne innskuddspenger. Men disse bastardene vil ha alle pengene mine, de kan ikke engang bry seg om at du er dårlig eller hva de bare vil stjele. Er det ikke morsomt at du innskudd og du mister al mest 1 3 av kontoen din, og du kan ikke få resten av ditt eget innskuddspenger tilbake. Det kalles STEALING eller ikke. Etter det snakket jeg med dem og sendte dem så mange e-postmeldinger, men jeg får aldri noe svar, unntatt en bullshit. Unnskyld de Sendt meg via e-post Den kjære UBONRAT HUANGSRI. We sjekket utdragsforespørselen og påminn deg om at ditt siste innskudd var fra WebMoney Payment System på 9 Dessverre kan du ikke trekke tilbake alle forespurte midler på grunn av en situasjon med Liberty Rsrv Vi vil beholde du informert om situasjonen vil endres. Jeg prøver å ringe dem på Telefon, men det var ingen svar, og jeg finner også ut at adressen og telefonnummeret de nevnte på deres nettsted, er bare søvn og aldri eksistert. Endelig ville jeg liker å fortelle alle at Accent Forex er en Scam Broker, de er tyver, og de vil stjele pengene dine og du kan ikke engang få dine egne innskuddspenger tilbake fra dem jeg har mistet mer enn 10000 dollar på grunn av deres cheatings og også de stole min egen Innskudd penger på 3000 USD Forresten, Alle disse beste og gode kommentarene her og på de andre nettstedene på Internett, er alle laget av Accent Forex Staffs, og de er ikke sanne og nedenfor er den siste samtalen jeg hadde med disse Bastardene i dag Accent Forex Vennligst bare døm det selv. Vennligst vent på at en operatør vil svare Hvis du ikke vil vente, vennligst klikk her for å gi oss en beskjed Operatør AccentForex har sluttet seg til chatten. AccentForex09 22 03:00 Hei 09 22 09 AM Hva kan jeg gjøre for deg. Visitor09 22 11 AM Mitt navn er UBONRAT HUANGSRI og kontonummeret mitt er, 285250, jeg trenger å trekke tilbake noen penger fra kontoen jeg har bedt om mange ganger i de siste 22 dagene, jeg har sendt deg mange E - mail og sendte også så mange forespørsler fra mitt profilrom. Men du svarer aldri 09 22 49 AM Jeg har sendt til din finavdeling for mange ganger 09 24 29 AM siste gang var 3 dager siden jeg snakket med en av din støtte og han sa ja, herre vi hadde din forrige forespørsel fra 10. juni og som jeg c en se det var om LR innskudd Vennligst prøv å sende en ny forespørsel til vår Fin-avdeling, bare de kan takle det. Takk 09 25 18 AM etter at jeg har sendt e-post og meldinger til Fin-avdelingen din, og jeg får fremdeles ingen svar. AccentForex09 28 03 AM Vår Finavdeling svarte ikke på din forespørsel, jeg har rett, jeg mister oppmerksomhetsmerket om det. Det er egentlig alt jeg gjør for deg. Visitor09 29 08 AM Sir Jeg fikk dette svaret for nesten en Måned nå, Sir, jeg hadde nok til å miste de siste 2 årene jeg har åpnet mange kontoer med deg, jeg har allerede mistet mer enn 10000 USD, så jeg spør deg fint, vennligst gi meg mine egne penger. Gi meg bare halvparten av min penger, og jeg vil forlate den andre halvdelen for deg og jeg skal gå bort og du kan til og med lukke kontoen min når jeg trekker bare halvparten av mine egne penger, jeg gjorde ingen fortjeneste, som jeg sa at jeg har mistet 1 3 av kontoen min og jeg vil bare trekke ut halvparten av mine egne innskuddspenger. Jeg har ikke rett til å trekke mine egne penger 09 31 02 Jeg har stolt på deg, jeg åpnet mange kontoer med deg med forskjellige navn på min kusiner og familie, så vær så snill å la meg bare trekke ut halvparten av pengene mine, og jeg vil forlate den andre halvdelen for deg, vær så snill 09 33 48 AM Jeg har 3 kontoer med en annen 3 meglere og jeg fjernet pengene mine uten problemer Jeg brukte LR for innskudd og uttak til de meglerne også, men de hadde ikke noe problem for å velge en annen metode for å trekke penger, de vet at dette ikke er klientene feil, det var LR feil, så de bare la kundene velge et annet alternativ for innskudd og uttak uten unnskyldninger, og jeg tok ut pengene mine fra 3 andre meglere 09 34 35 AM Men hvorfor gjør du dette til klienten din 09 35 19 AM Du vet deg selv, det er bare en unnskyldning at du forteller meg om LR-problem 09 35 58 AM Herre, vær så snill, la meg bare trekke ut halvparten av pengene mine, og jeg vil forlate den andre halvdelen for deg Please. AccentForex09 37 46. ​​Sir, jeg kunne ikke la deg trekke meg igjen Øy fordi jeg er bare en teknisk støtte Vår Fin-avdeling løser dette problemet, vi vil virkelig hjelpe alle våre klienter selv når det ikke er vår falt. Visitor09 39 17 AM Du sender meg alltid til Fin-avdelingen din og de svarer aldri, de bare en gang sendt meg en e-post for 22 dager siden, den tiden jeg ønsket å trekke pengene mine tilbake som dessverre, nå kan du ikke trekke alle forespurte midler på grunn av en situasjon med Liberty Rsrv Ok, bare gi meg et rett svar som jeg ikke vil få mine egne penger, så vil jeg gå vekk og jeg vant t forstyrre deg lenger. AccentForex09 41 27 AM Men jeg kan ikke si det fordi jeg ikke vet det, og jeg håper virkelig at det ville være en annen løsning. Visitor09 42 14 AM Sir, det er ingenting å løse Du sa bare Fin-avdelingen din løser dette problemet Hvilket problem jeg ikke ser noen problemer Problemet er med deg Du vil stjele kundens penger, og du gir dine klienter noen Bullshit unnskyldninger, jeg vil bare trekke tilbake Mitt eget innskudd har jeg rett eller ikke 09 43 09 Sir , bare fortell meg, vil du gi meg mine egne penger eller ikke? 09 43 56 AM Herr, jeg har ikke stjålet pengene for å investere med deg. Jeg jobbet hardt for det, og jeg lånte også noen fra Bank, så vær så snill jeg vil ikke få noen unnskyldninger om LR Jeg har allerede trukket pengene mine fra en annen 3 meglere, og jeg vil trekke pengene mine fra megleren nå, jeg forstår ikke hva som er ditt problem med min egen innskuddspost 09 45 08 AM Jeg fortalte deg om du vil ta det, så bare fortell meg som et menneske, og jeg skal gå bort, 09 46 18 AM Sir, vær så snill å si noe. AccentForex09 50 35 AM Jeg vet virkelig ikke Vi har ikke fått informasjon om at alle LR-innskuddene vil bli kansellert eller ville ikke være tilbake i noen mengde. Visitor09 51 17 AM hva mener du. AccentForex09 53 50 AM Jeg mener hvordan kunne jeg si at vi vant å returnere deg penger hvis jeg ikke har slik informasjon. Dessverre har jeg ikke noen informasjon om det som jeg sa. Visitor10 03 11 AM Sir, det er ikke om LR DET ER OM DU DU ØNSKER Å ANVENDE DIN KUNDER GJENNOMMEN OG du gir meg litt unnskyldning for LR hvorfor de andre meglerne ikke har denne unnskyldningen fordi de er ærlige, jeg har klarert på deg, jeg åpnet mer enn 10 kontoer med deg, og jeg har mistet alle pengene de hadde og jeg hadde i de kontoer Jeg vil bare spørre deg Er dette svaret og belønningen til din ærlige klient for å ta pengene sine Du kan tjene så mye mer som disse pengene ved å være ærlig for kunden din, kunden vil sette inn og han vil miste noe, men det vil bli kundene feiler ikke din, men når du gjør dette til kundene dine, kalles det STEALING og ingen vil stole på deg, og du betaler for det selv om du legger de beste kommentarene fra dine egne staber om megleren over hele Internettet, vant det t hjelp lenger. AccentForex10 04 47 AM Vi gjør aldri det du bare sier kontoene til vår klient er strengt fastsatt til dem og innskudd i henhold til betalingssystem som de velger. Visitor10 05 59 AM Så vil du se på betalingssystemet jeg har valgt for min konto Det er Webmoney, Det er IKKE Liberty Reserve, Min konto er ikke relevant for LR Dette er en ny konto jeg har åpnet, og jeg overførte pengene mine fra min gamle konto til min nye konto, og jeg valgte Webmoney-alternativ for innskudd og uttak 10 06 27 AM gjør du har andre unnskyldninger. AccentForex10 07 37 AM Vi må ikke unnskyldes for noen force majeure circumstances. Visitor10 08 30 AM Hvorfor de andre meglerne ikke har slike force majeure omhyggeligheter 10 09 02 AM Min konto er ikke opptatt av LR 10 09 22 AM Se, jeg er ikke en Thai person, jeg er ikke fra Thailand, jeg kommer fra et annet land, og du vil senere vite. Denne damen UBONRAT HUANGSRI hadde åpnet en konto hos deg og hun investerer 3000 USD, men jeg handlede for henne har jeg mistet 1 3 av hennes konto til nå er det ikke nok for deg. AccentForex10 10 36 AM hva mener du, sir. Visitor10 10 43 AM Jeg blir i Thailand, men jeg er ikke Thai, jeg er fra et annet land 10 11 33 AM Denne kontoen tilhører UBONRAT HUANGSRI fra Thailand, og hun hadde åpnet en accou nt med deg og hun investerer 3000 USD, men jeg handlet for henne og jeg har mistet 1 3 av hennes konto 10 12 20 Sir, vær så snill å få henne tilbake pengene sine og jeg vil gå vekk, og ingenting vil skje 10 13 11 AM Vennligst bare gi henne tilbake halvparten av pengene hennes. Og du fortsetter å gjøre din virksomhet uten problemer, jeg truer deg ikke, men jeg sværger til GUD, du får stor problemer. Bare gi henne tilbake egne penger, og jeg går bare vekk 10 15 03 AM Husk det er ikke bare du kan få min IP-adresse, jeg har din også, og jeg vet hvilket land du er 10 16 44 AM Jeg kjenner din adresse, det er ikke London eller hva du noensinne viser på din side. AccentForex10 17 25 AM Sir, det er ingen grunn til å fortsette denne samtalen. Visitor10 17 33 AM Min bror bor i London, han søker etter din adresse, men adressen og telefonnummeret du nevner på nettstedet ditt er bare søvn og aldri eksisterer 10 18 18 AM og endelig fant jeg adressen din via din IP 10 19 24 AM Vi vil se deg snart, 10 20 08 AM Police wil Jeg ser deg snart, du er skammen 10 20 14 AM Åh, forresten vil jeg også rapportere det overalt over Internett i 1000 ganger at megleren er svindel og firmaet ditt stjeler folk penger på for mange svindelveier, og jeg gjør det kjenner dine veier å stjele Jeg vil fortelle hele folket i 1000 ganger at du er et løgnfirma, du har ikke et telefonnummer eller en adresse, se på adressen din, adressen din eller telefonnummer eksisterer aldri, 10 21 31 Sir, Hellooooooo, RU her 10 22 19 AM Helloooooooooooo 10 22 43 AM Hvorfor du bare kjeft sir. AccentForex10 23 10 AM Hei 10 23 15 AM Hva kan jeg gjøre for deg. Visitor10 23 34 AM Les bare all den samtalen over 10 24 08 AM Vil du gi henne tilbake egne penger eller ikke 10 24 24 AM Jeg spør deg pent 10 24 48 AM Vennligst gi henne minst halvparten av sitt eget innskudd 10 24 53 AM det er det 10 25 14 AM Alle glade da 10 25 32 AM Am Jeg har rett eller har jeg galt 10 26 22 AM Helloooooooooooooooooooooo. AccentForex10 26 51 AM du kan lese svarene ovenfor. Visitor10 27 09 AM Jeg d Jeg ser ingen svar 10 27 30 AM Alt jeg kan se er Bullshit unnskyldninger 10 29 29 AM Sir, jeg er en mann, og jeg spør deg pent, å vær så snill å gi henne pengene tilbake 10 29 36 AM selv halvparten av det 10 29 44 AM det er klokka 10 30 17 da kan du lukke kontoen sin for alltid, og hun forstyrrer deg ikke lenger 10 31 08 AM hun er glad for å få tilbake halvparten av pengene sine og du er glad for at det er det 10 32 18 AM Og Jeg sværger til GUD dette problemet vil løse uten å måtte fortsette det jeg lover, og jeg skal holde ordene mine 10 38 06 AM Så, hva sier du la henne trekke tilbake bare 1000 USD av hennes konto, og hun vil forlate en annen 1084 USD for deg, og så kan du lukke kontoen sin med Absolutt ingen spørsmål i det hele tatt. AccentForex10 39 07 AM har du andre spørsmål, Sir. Visitor10 39 26 AM Ja, herre 10 39 43 AM Vil du fortelle meg hvor moren din er 10 42 51 AM Før jeg går for å se deg på din jævla megler, vil jeg knulle deg online over hele internett, så skal jeg gå til å knulle din mor og søstre. Oh Husk min navn, jeg heter Jack Raphael og jeg skal se deg snart 10 45 23 AM Hei til din mor og søstre for meg og si dem barbere sine fitte og esler 10 46 53 ER DER MOR FUCKERS, DU VIL BETALE FOR ALLE DENNE I ikke bry deg om hvor mye jeg vil bruke for politiet og tilbringe for å gå dit, jeg vil tilbringe det, og jeg vil FUCK YOU ALL 10 47 17 AM Sir, Har du et annet spørsmål, vær så snill 10 50 31 AM Ok, hvis du ikke har det noen andre spørsmål, så ønsker jeg deg en flott dag, og jeg vil se deg snart 10 52 01 AM Åh, vær så snill å ikke plage deg selv ved å komme ut og sette noen jævla løgnkommentarer på internett om din svindelmegler av dine egne jævla staber jeg vil fortelle disse tingene overalt 1000 ganger 10 56 32 AM Accent Forex You Fucked Du vil kjenne deg selv snart. Tager AccentForex vurderinger. Overfør fra Skrill Moneybookers. Maksimalt mulig beløp for påfylling av din handelskonto i AccentForex av Skrill Moneybookers eller debetkort er 10 000 amerikanske dollar for en transmittans eller tilsvarende av det amoun t i Euro Selv om du ikke har noen Moneybookers-konto, kan du bruke MasterCard, Visa, AMEX, Diners Club og andre kort som er oppgitt videre for overføring. Du kan bruke Skrill MoneyBookers til å sette inn penger med kredittkortskort VISA, MasterCard osv. og trekke tilbake til din Bankkonto eller inversely. In order for å fylle opp din handelskonto via Skrill eller bruke ditt debetkort, bør du. På min profil i innskudd tilbaketrekningsområdet klikk innskudd midler. Enter midler amount. in Formål med betaling rullegardinlisten velg konto du trenger å bli betalt USD EUR profilkonto, handelskonto eller Pamm-account. in Betalingsmetode rullegardinliste velg betalingssystem Skrill. click Deposit. Confirm fondbeløp Innskudd Du vil bli omdirigert til Skrill-siden. Velg alternativ for valg av penger Følg Skrill-instruksjonene. å sende penger. Pay ved hjelp av. Tilgjengelig overføring i amerikanske dollar USD. Advarsel For å akselerere overføringen av midler til din handelskonto må betalingsmåte samsvare med kontoenes valuta. Replenish of tradi ng konto hos Skrill Moneybookers fra Min Profil i løpet av få timer. Ved ukorrekt drift av elektroniske systemer behandles betalinger av køen, og en handelskonto kan etterfylles innen 1-2 dager. Ved å foreta et innskudd med betaling system Skrill MoneyBookers alle personlige brukerdata lagret for det eneste formål med verifisering kunden i fremtiden AccentForex ikke overføre åpne personlige opplysninger til tredjeparter uten noen betingelser, i henhold til loven riktig grown. Please merk at kontoen din Accentforex vil bli deponert med beløpet som er forskjellig fra det du sendte på kommisjonen Skrill Moneybookers tar et gebyr på opptil 4 9 Full liste over gebyrer for Skrill MoneyBookers er tilgjengelig på den offisielle nettsiden til Skrill MoneyBookers. Bare kontoinnehaveren av Accentforex kan foreta innskudd. Broker aksepterer ikke betaling fra Tredjepart. Ved kundenes anmodning om å trekke tilbake midler i samsvar med det offentlige tilbudet med Trader Request behandles innen en til to virkedager. I noen tilfeller tillates behandling av forespørsel til fem virkedager. Broker AccentForex, mottar ikke noen provisjoner eller annet godtgjørelse for dets deltakelse i tilbudet av tjenester Skrill MoneyBookers og tar ikke ansvar for aktivitetene til Skrill MoneyBookers. AccentForex megler er et uavhengig selskap som tilbyr tjenester til og selvstendig foretar avgjørelser om priser og tilbud. Hvis du har ytterligere spørsmål ved avslutningen av handelskontoen via betalingssystemet, vennligst kontakt. For mer informasjon om Betalingssystemet, Skrill Moneybookers, vennligst besøk. Traderavtale. Konsentrert om å gjøre forretninger elektronisk og risikofristing. RISK OPPLYSNINGSERKLÆRING. Denne korte uttalelsen, selv om det ikke er nødvendig for OTC Trading, avslører ikke alle risikoene og andre viktige aspekter ved handel i leveranseinvesteringer I lys av risikoen, bør du gjøre suksess h-transaksjoner bare hvis du forstår arten av kontraktene og kontraktsforholdene du inngår i og omfanget av din eksponering for risiko. Du bør nøye vurdere om handel er hensiktsmessig for deg i lys av din erfaring, mål, økonomiske ressurser og andre forhold. Transaksjoner i OTC-kontoer har høy risikovurdering Mengden av innledningsmargin er liten i forhold til verdien av OTC-kontrakten, slik at transaksjoner blir overført eller rettet. En relativt liten markedsbevegelse vil ha en forholdsmessig større innvirkning på midlene du har deponert eller vil måtte sette inn dette kan virke mot deg, så vel som for deg Du kan opprettholde et totalt tap av innledende marginfond og eventuelle tilleggsbeløp som er deponert hos firmaet for å opprettholde posisjonen din Hvis markedet beveger seg mot posisjonen din eller marginalnivåene økes, kan bli bedt om å opprettholde posisjonen din Hvis markedet beveger seg mot posisjonen din eller marginalnivåene økes, Du kan bli bedt om å betale betydelige ekstra midler med kort varsel for å opprettholde posisjonen din. Hvis du ikke overholder en anmodning om ytterligere midler innen foreskrevet tid, kan din stilling bli likvidert med tap.2 Risikobegrensende ordrer eller strategier. Plassering av bestemte bestillinger, for eksempel stoppordre, hvor det er tillatt i henhold til lokal lov eller stoppordre som er ment å begrense tap til bestemte beløp, kan ikke være effektive fordi markedsforholdene gjør det umulig å utføre slike ordrer. Strategier ved bruk av kombinasjoner av stillinger som sprednings - og straddle-stillinger kan være like risikabelt som å ta enkle lange eller korte stillinger.3 Vilkår og betingelser for kontraktene. Du bør spørre firmaet du behandler vilkårene for de spesifikke valutaene du handler og tilknyttede forpliktelser, for eksempel omstendighetene der du kan bli forpliktet til å foreta eller ta imot full valutaverdi.4 Suspensjon eller begrensning av handel og pr icing forhold. Markedsforhold, eksempelvis illikviditet og eller drift av regler for visse markeder, f. eks. oppsigelse av handel i hvilken som helst valuta på grunn av prisgrenser, statlig inngrep eller kretsbrytere kan øke risikoen for tap ved å gjøre det vanskelig eller umulig å gjennomføre transaksjoner eller likvidere offsetposisjoner.5 Deponert kontanter og eiendom. Du bør gjøre deg kjent med beskyttelsen som gir penger eller annen eiendom du legger inn for innenlandske og utenlandske transaksjoner, spesielt i tilfelle fast konkurs eller konkurs. I hvilken grad du kan gjenopprette pengene dine eller eiendom kan styres av spesifikke av lovgivningen eller lokale regler i enkelte jurisdiksjoner, eiendommer som hadde vært spesifikt identifiserbar som din egen vil bli vurdert på samme måte som kontanter for distribusjon formål i tilfelle mangel.6 kommisjon og andre kostnader. Før du begynner å handle, bør du få en klar forklaring på alle provisjoner, gebyrer, marku PS, markdowns, rollovers og swaps, rentedifferanse og andre kostnader som du vil være ansvarlig for. Disse kostnadene vil påvirke din nettoresultat hvis noe eller øke tapet. 7 Transaksjoner i andre jurisdiksjoner. Transaksjoner på valutaer i andre land i andre jurisdiksjoner, inkludert markeder formelt knyttet til et hjemmemarked, kan utsette deg for ytterligere risiko. Slike markeder kan være underlagt regulering som kan tilby forskjellig eller redusert investorbeskyttelse. Før du handler, bør du spørre om eventuelle regler som er relevante for dine transaksjoner. Din lokale myndighet vil bli ikke i stand til å tvinge håndhevelsen av reglene for regulerende myndigheter eller markeder i andre jurisdiksjoner der transaksjonene dine har blitt gjennomført. Du bør spørre firmaet du behandler for detaljer om hvilke typer rettshjelp som er tilgjengelig i alle relevante jurisdiksjoner før du begynner å handle. resultat og tap i transaksjoner i utenlandsk valuta-avtaler øye handles på egen hånd eller en annen jurisdiksjon vil bli påvirket av svingninger i valutakurser som må konverteres fra valutaverdien av kontrakten til en annen valuta.9 Handelsfasiliteter. OTC-virksomhet er ikke handlet på et regulert marked og derfor ikke krever åpent utbrudd Selv om tilbud eller priser gis av mange datamaskinkomponenter, kan tilbud og priser variere på grunn av markedslikviditet. Mange elektroniske handelsanlegg støttes av datasystemer for ordre-ruting, utførelse eller matching av handler Som med alle fasiliteter og systemer, er de sårbare for midlertidig forstyrrelse eller svikt. Din evne til å gjenopprette bestemte tap kan være underlagt begrensninger på ansvar pålagt av systemleverandøren, markedet, banken og eller finansinstitusjonen. Slike grenser kan variere deg bør spørre firmaet du behandler for detaljer i denne forbindelse tilbyr handel i CFDs på aksjer, markedsindekser og futures n handel med de underliggende instrumentene seg selv. Trading med gir derfor ikke Trader rett til utbytte, leveranse eller andre kjennetegn ved å kjøpe eller selge det underliggende instrumentet. Videre er CFD og Valutahandel med ikke gjennomført på noen futures eller børs og er ikke underlagt regler for futures eller børs.10 Elektronisk handel. Elektronisk handelssystem kan avvike ikke bare fra handel i interbankmarkedet, men også fra handel på andre elektroniske handelssystemer. Hvis du foretar transaksjoner på et elektronisk handelssystem, vil du be exposed to risks associated with the system including the failure of hardware and software The result of any system failure may be that your order is either not executed according to your instructions or is not executed at all. Internet and System failures Since does not control signal power, its reception or routing via Internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connect ion, we cannot be responsible for communication failures, distortions, delays, when you trade on-line via Internet Furthermore, any losses or foregone profits in Trader s account are the responsibility of the Trader but not even if software, hardware, or other system failures or errors contributed to such losses or foregone profits. Market risks and on-line trading Trading currencies involves substantial risk not being suitable for everyone See Trader Agreement for more detailed description of risks Trading on-line, no matter how convenient or efficient, does not necessarily reduce risks associated with currency trading. Password protection The Trader is obligated to keep passwords secret and ensure that third parties do not obtain access to the trading facilities The Trader will be liable to for trades executed by means of the Trader s password even if such use may be wrongful. Quoting errors Should quoting errors occur due to a dealer s mistype of a quote, errors in an automatic price f eed, or an erroneous price quote from a dealer, will not be liable for the resulting errors in account balances reserves the right to make the necessary corrections or adjustments on the account involved Any dispute arising from such quoting errors will be resolved on a basis of a fair market value of a currency or CFD at the time such an error occurred.11 Off-exchange transactions. In OTCFX, firms are not restricted to undertake off-exchange transactions The firm with which you deal may be acting as your counterparty to the transaction It may be difficult or impossible to liquidate an existing position, to assess the value, to determine a fair price or to assess the exposure to risk For these reasons, these transactions may involve increased risks Off-exchange transactions may be less regulated or subject to a separate regulatory regime Before you undertake such transactions, you should familiarize yourself with applicable rules and attendant risks. Risk Disclosure Statements and Consen t to Do Business Electronically.1 Applying Electronically To apply an establishment to open the Trading Account in you agree to receive a Risk Disclosure Statement, Trader Agreement, Trader Account Letter, and Off Exchange Transaction Disclosure electronically.2 Electronic Communications Risk Disclosure Statement, Trader Agreement, Trader Account Letter, and Off Exchange Transaction Disclosure, and any notices, instructions, agreements, or any other communications regarding Transactions and your Account all of which are hereinafter referred to as the Communications may be presented, delivered, stored, retrieved, and transmitted electronically.3 Executing Transactions Electronically The Agreement and Transactions will be executed using electronic records and electronic signatures.4 Consenting to Do Business Electronically With decision to do business electronically, and you should consider whether you have the necessary hardware and software capabilities Your consent to do business elec tronically, and our agreement to do so, only applies to the establishment and maintenance of your Account and the execution of Transactions in connection with your Account.5 Withdrawal of Consent You have the right to withdraw your consent to doing business electronically at any time However, if you withdraw such consent, any Communications or Transactions between us during the period after your consent to doing business electronically, and before your withdrawal of such consent, will be valid and binding on all parties.6 Changes to Your Contact Information You should keep us informed about any change in your electronic or mailing address or other contact information.7 Printing of the document You may print this document by selecting Print from the File menu.8 Your Ability to Access Communications having selected I agree the button below, you acknowledge that you have the capability to access the Communications.9 Consenting to Electronic Communications having selected I agree the butto n below, you consent to having all Communications provided or made available to you in electronic form.10 Agreement to Executing Transactions Electronically When you select the I Agree button below, you consent to executing the Agreement and Transactions by electronic record and or electronic signature. Agreement with Trader. This is a legal contract between its successors and assigns, and the party or parties executing this document In connection with opening an account to speculate and or purchase and or sell Contracts For Difference, futures, indices, foreign exchange, and or shares through the OTC market hereinafter referred to as OTC with Customer hereinafter referred to as Trader acknowledges that Trader has been advised and understands the following factors concerning trading in leveraged OTC, in addition to those contained in the following Risk Disclosure Statement and the Bankruptcy Statement which have been provided to Trader.1 OTC is not traded on a regulated exchange There ar e no guarantees to the credit worthiness of the counter party of your Currency position Every attempt has been made to deal with reputable credit worthy banks clearing houses Also, there may be certain cases in which trading liquidity decreases causing trading in a certain Currency to cease, thereby preventing the liquidation of an adverse position which may result in a substantial financial loss.2 Trading in OTC is suitable only for those sophisticated institutions or sophisticated participants financially able to withstand losses which may equal the value of margins or deposits OTC accounts are not available through to non-sophisticated participants.3 The market recommendations of are based solely on the judgment of personnel These market recommendations may or may not be consistent with the market position or intentions of its affiliates, and employees The market recommendations of are based upon information believed to be reliable, but cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness thereof or represent that following such recommendations will eliminate the risk inherent in trading currency Any market recommendations of, or information provided by do not constitute an offer to buy or sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, any OTC transaction.4 Trader understands that does not permit its Account Executives to either exercise discretion or manage an OTC account, or hold a power of attorney over an OTC account, unless approved by an executive officer of and only after proper documentation has been submitted and approved by If Trader s account is not being traded with Trader s authorization, Trader must notify a immediately.5 margin policies and or the policies of those banks clearing houses through which trades are executed may require that additional funds be provided to properly margin Trader s account Insufficient margin funds may result in the liquidation of any open positions with a resultant loss also reserves the right to refuse to accept any order.6 Trader agrees to carefully review the reports relating to Trader s trading provided to Trader by Pursuant to the Trader Agreement, all reports of execution will be deemed final within forty-eight 48 working hours and all statements of account will be deemed final within two 2 working days, unless the Trader makes a written objection to these reports within this 48 hour period of time to at its principal place of business.7 The Trader has read and understands the Trader s obligations and rights under the following Trader Agreement and agrees and acknowledges that the following Trader Agreement will control the Trader s relationship with The Trader agrees that Trader is fully responsible for making all final decisions as to transactions effected for Trader s account Trader has considered the foregoing factors and in view of Trader s present and anticipated financial resources, Trader is willing and able to assume the substantial financial risks of OTC trading. In consid eration of AccentForex broker hereinafter agreeing to carry one or more accounts of the undersigned Trader and providing services to Trader in connection with the purchase and sale of Contracts For Difference hereinafter referred to as CFDs , futures, indices, foreign exchange, and or shares through the OTC market hereinafter referred to as OTC , which may be purchased or sold by or through for Trader s accounts s , Trader agrees as follows.1 AUTHORIZATION TO TRADE. is authorized to purchase and sell OTC for Trader s account s in accordance with Trader s oral or written or computer instructions.2 GOVERNMENTAL, COUNTER PARTY INSTITUTION AND INTERBANKING SYSTEM RULES. All transactions under this Agreement shall be subject to the constitution, by-laws, rules, regulations, customs, usage, rulings and interpretations of the counter party institution or other interbank market and its clearing organization, if any where executed and to all applicable laws and regulations If any statute shall hereafter be enacted or any rule or regulation shall hereafter be adopted by any governmental authority, or a contract market or clearing organization which shall be binding upon and shall affect in any manner or be inconsistent with any of the provisions hereof, the affected provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed modified or superseded, as the case may be by the applicable provisions of such statute, rule or regulation, and all other provisions of this Agreemen t and provisions so modified shall in all respects continue in full force and effect Trader acknowledges that all transactions under this Agreement are subject to the aforementioned regulatory requirements and Trader shall not thereby be given any independent legal or contractual rights with respect to such requirements.3 MARGINS AND DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS. Trader shall provide to and maintain with margin in such amounts and in such forms as in its sole discretion, may require Such margin requirements may be greater or less than margins required by a counter party bank may change margin requirements at any time Trader agrees to deposit by immediate wire transfer such additional margin when and as required by and will promptly meet all margin calls in such mode of transmission as in its sole discretion designates may at any time proceed to liquidate Trader s account and any failure by to enforce its rights hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver by to enforce its rights thereafter retains t he right to limit the amount and or total number of open positions which Trader may acquire or maintain at and to increase margin requirements on individual share CFDs in advance of earnings or other news or events, with or without notice, either before such events or retroactively will attempt to execute all orders which it may, in its sole discretion, choose to accept in accordance with the oral or written or computer instructions of Trader s reserves the right to refuse to accept any order However, shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused, directly or indirectly, by any events, actions or omissions beyond the control of including, without limitation, loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from any delays or inaccuracies in the transmission of orders and or information due to a breakdown in or failure of any transmission or communication facilities.4 ROLLOVERS AND DELIVERY. With respect to purchases or sales of Currencies through an OTC account, Trader agrees to instruct as to the offset or rollover of a Currency position Also, Trader s account s shall be charged commissions swap , at broker s rates see Instrument Specification , upon the rollover of a Currency position Unless an account is designated for physical delivery, currency transactions entered into with will be cash settled only.5 COLLATERAL AND LENDING AGREEMENT. All funds, securities, currencies, and other property of Trader which or its affiliates may at any time be carrying for Trader either individually, jointly with other, or as a guarantor of the account of any other person, or which may at any time be in its possession or control or carried on its books for any purpose, including safekeeping, are to be held by as security and subject to a general lien and right of set-off for liabilities of Trader to whether or not has made advances in connection with such securities, commodities, currencies or other property, and irrespective of the number of accounts Trader may have with Trader hereby also grants to the right to pledge, re-pledge, hypothecate, invest or loan, either separately or with the property of other Traders, to itself as broker or to others, any securities or other property of Trader held by as margin or security shall at no time be required to deliver to Trader the identical property delivered to or purchased by for any account of Trader This authorization shall apply to all accounts carried by for Trader and shall remain in full force until all accounts are fully paid for by Trader or notice of revocation is sent by from its head office.6 LIQUIDATION OF ACCOUNTS. In the event of a the death or judicial declaration of incompetence of Trader b the filing of a petition in bankruptcy, or a petition for the appointment of a receiver, or the institution of any insolvency or similar proceeding by or against Trader c the filing of an attachment against any of Trader s accounts carried by d insufficient margin, or determination that any collateral depos ited to protect one or more accounts of Trader is inadequate, regardless of current market quotations, to secure the account e Trader s failure to provide any information requested pursuant to this agreement or f any other circumstances or developments that deems appropriate for its protection, and in sole discretion, it may take one or more, or any portion of, the following actions 1 satisfy any obligation Trader may have to either directly or by way of guaranty of suretyship, out of any of Trader s funds or property in its custody or control 2 sell any or purchase any or all Currency contracts, securities held or carried for Trader and 3 cancel any or all outstanding orders or contracts, or any other commitments made on behalf of Trader Any of the above actions may be taken without demand for margin or additional margin, without prior notice of sale or purchase or other notice to Trader, Trader s personal representatives, heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, legatees or assign s and regardless of whether the ownership interest shall be solely Trader s or held jointly with others In liquidation of Trader s long or short positions, may, in its sole discretion, offset in the same settlement or it may initiate new long or short positions in order to establish a spread or straddle which in sole judgment may be advisable to protect or reduce existing positions in Trader s account Any sales or purchases hereunder may be made according to judgment and at its discretion with any interbank or other exchange market where such business is then usually transacted or at a public auction or private sale, and may purchase the whole or any part thereof free from any right of redemption.7 STATEMENT AND CONFIRMATION. Reports of the confirmation of orders and statements of accounts for Trader shall be deemed correct and shall be conclusive and binding upon Trader if not objected to immediately upon receipt and confirmed in writing within 2 working days after transmittal to Trade r by mail or otherwise Margin calls shall be conclusive and binding unless objected to immediately in writing Written objections on Trader s part shall be directed to official email addresses posted on the site of and shall be deemed received only if actually mailed by registered mail, with respective written confirmation from Failure to object shall be deemed ratification of all actions taken by or agents prior to Trader s receipt of said reports Trader s failure to receive a trade confirmation shall not relieve Trader of the obligation to object as set out herein. Reports, statements, notices and any other communications may be transmitted such address as Trader may from time to time designate in writing to All communications so sent, whether by mail, telegraph messenger or otherwise, shall be deemed transmitted by when deposited in the mail, or when received by a transmitting agent, and deemed delivered to Trader personally, whether actually received by Trader or not.9 RESPONSIBILITI ES. will not be responsible for delays in the transmission of orders due to a breakdown or failure of transmission or communication facilities, electrical power outage or for any other cause beyond control or anticipation shall only be liable for its actions directly attributable to negligence, willful default or fraud on the part of shall not be liable for losses arising from the default of any agent or any other party used by under this agreement As OTC is not an exchange traded market, prices at which deals at or quotes may or may not be similar to prices at which other OTC market makers deal at or quote.10 CURRENCY FLUCTUATION RISK. If Trader directs to enter into any currency forex transaction a any profit or loss arising as a result of a fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting such currency will be entirely for Trader s account and risk b all initial and subsequent deposits for margin purposes shall be made in U S dollars, in such amounts as may in its sole discretion require and c is authorized to convert funds in Trader s account for margin into and from such foreign currency at a rate of exchange determined by in its sole discretion on the basis of the then prevailing money market rates.11 RISK ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Trader acknowledges that investment in leveraged and non-leveraged transactions is speculative, involves a high degree of risk, and is appropriate only for persons who can assume risk of loss of their entire margin deposit Trader understands that because of the low margin normally required in OTC trading, price changes in OTC may result in significant losses Trader warrants that Trader is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risk of OTC trading, and in consideration of carrying his her account s , Trader agrees not to hold responsible for losses incurred through following its trading recommendations or suggestions or those of its employees, agents or representatives Trader acknowledges that Trader has received no such guarantees fro m or from any of its representatives or any introducing agent or other entity with whom Trader is conducting his her account and has not entered into this agreement in consideration of or in reliance upon any such guarantees or similar representations.12 TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS. a Trader acknowledges that i any market recommendations and information communicated to Trader by or by any person within the company, does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any OTC contract, ii such recommendation and information, although based upon information obtained from sources believed by to be reliable, may be based solely on a broker s opinion and that such information may be incomplete and may be unverified, iii makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to, and shall not be responsible for, the accuracy or completeness of any information or trading recommendation furnished to Trader Trader acknowledges that and or its personnel, directors, affiliates, stockholders or representatives may not be consistent with recommendations furnished to Trader on behalf of Trader acknowledges that makes no representations concerning the tax implications or treatment of contracts b Trader further acknowledges that should Trader grant trading autho rity or control over Trader s account to a third party Trading Agent , whether on a discretionary or non-discretionary basis, shall in no way be responsible for reviewing Trader s choice of such Trading Agent nor making any recommendations with respect thereto Trader understands that makes no warranties nor representations concerning the Trading Agent, that shall not be responsible for any loss to Trader occasioned by the actions of the Trading Agent and that does not, by implication or otherwise, endorse or approve of the operating methods of the Trading Agent If Trader gives Trading Agent authority to exercise any of its rights over Trader s account s , Trader understands that Trader does so at Trader s own risk.13 TRADER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Trader represents and warrants that a Trader is of sound mind, legal age and legal competence b No person other than Trader has or will have an interest in Trader s account s and, c Trader hereby warrants that regardless of any subseq uent determination to the contrary, Trader is suitable to trade OTC and is a sophisticated institution and or institutional participant and, d Trader is not now an employee of any exchange, any corporation in which any exchange owns a majority of the capital stock, any member of any exchange and or firm registered on any exchange, or any bank, trust, or insurance company, and in the event that Trader becomes so employed, Trader will promptly notify in writing of such employment and, e All the information provided in the information portion of this booklet is true, correct and complete as of the date hereof and Trader will notify promptly of any changes in such information.14 DISCLOSING OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF. The Trader represents and warrants that the financial information disclosed to in this document is an accurate representation of the Trader s current financial condition The Trader represents and warrants that the Trader has very carefully considered the portion of the Trader s assets which the Trader considers to be Risk Capital The Trader recognizes that Risk Capital is the amount of money the Trader is willing to put at risk and if lost would not, in any way, change the Trader s lifestyle The Trader agrees to immediately inform if the Trader s financial condition changes in such a way to reduce the Trader s Net Worth, Liquid Assets and or Risk Capital. Trader acknowledges that Trader has no separate agreement with Trader s broker or any employee regarding the trading in Trader s account, including any agreement to guarantee profits or limit losses in Trader s account Trader understands that Trader must authorize every transaction prior to its execution unless Trader has delegated discretion to another party by signing limited trading authorization, and any disputed transactions must be brought to the attention of employees pursuant to the notice requirements of this Trader Agreement Trader agrees to indemnify and hold harmless form all damages or liabilit y resulting from Trader s failure to immediately notify employees of any of the occurrences referred to herein All notices required under this section shall be sent to at its home office. All transactions correspond to the Trader Account Letter and Trader Agreement Each tenant has authority a To trade for the account with restraint to the agreements of the account, b To receive all correspondence and documents in respect to the account, c To receive or withdraw money from the account, d To execute agreements relating to the account, and e To deal with fully has the authority to require joint action by the parties of the account in matters of the account has possession over the security of the account individually or jointly If a death occurs to one or more of the tenants, shall be notified in writing and shown proof of a death certificate All expenses due at the date of notification of shall be charged to the account Unless Joint Account Allocation Addendum is completed, then each tenan t is presumed to have equal share.17 NO WAIVER OR AMENDMENT. No provision of this Agreement may be waived or amended unless the waiver or amendment is in writing and signed by both Trader and an authorized officer of No oral agreements or instructions to the contrary shall be recognized or enforceable This instrument and the attachments hereto embody the entire agreement of the parties, superseding any and all prior written and oral agreements and there are no other terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein.18 GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION. This Agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties hereto, and any judicial or administrative action or proceeding arising directly or indirectly hereunder or in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, whether brought by Trader or shall be governed by, construed and enforced in all respects by the laws of Republic of Panama. This Agreement shall be continuous and shall cover, individually and collectively, all accounts of Trader at any time opened or reopened with irrespective of any change or changes at any time in the personnel of or its successors, assigns, or affiliates This Agreement including all authorizations, shall inure to the benefit of and its successors and assigns, whether by merger, consolidation or otherwise, and shall be binding upon Trader and or the estate, executor, trustees, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns of Trader Trader hereby ratifies all transactions with effected prior to the date of this Agreement, and agrees that the rights and obligations of Trader in respect thereto shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement shall continue in effect until termination, and may be terminated by Trader at any time when Trader has no open Currency position s and no liabilities held by or owed to upon the actual receipt by at official email addresses posted on the site of of written notice of termination and deemed received onl y if actually mailed by registered mail, with respective written confirmation from or at any time whatsoever by upon the transmittal of written notice of termination to Trader at Trader s email address provided, that such termination shall not affect any transactions previously entered into and shall not relieve either party of any obligations set out in this agreement nor shall it relieve Trader of any obligations arising out of any deficit balance. Trader agrees to indemnify and hold its affiliates, employees, agents, successors and assigns harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney s fees, incurred by arising out of Trader s failure to fully and timely perform Trader s agreements herein or should any of the representations and warranties fail to be true and correct Trader also agrees to pay promptly to all damages, costs and expenses, including attorney s fees, incurred by in the enforcement of any of the provisions of t his Agreement and any other agreements between and Trader.22 TERMS AND HEADINGS. The term its successors and assigns the term Trader shall mean the party or parties executing the Agreement and the term Agreement shall include all other agreements and authorizations executed by Trader in connection with the maintenance of Trader s account with regardless of when executed The paragraph headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not deemed to limit the applicability or affect the meaning of any of its provisions. Trader agrees and acknowledges that all conversations regarding Trader s account s between Trader and personnel may be electronically recorded with or without the use of an automatic tone warning device Trader further agrees to the use of such recordings and transcripts thereof as evidence by either party in connection with any dispute or proceeding that may arise involving Trader or Trader understands that destroys such recordings at regular intervals in accordance with established business procedures and Trader hereby consents to such destruction. Interest on open positions held past 23 59 terminal time is paid on a daily basis, regardless of position direction. Off Exchange Transaction Disclosure The acceptance of this Agreement gives acknowledgment that Trader has read, understands, and gives authorization to the following disclosure to trade currencies through the OTC foreign exchange market OTC. may from time to time execute transactions as Trader s agent on OTC foreign exchange market to trade currencies, pursuant to an agreement between the interbank agent and and that a trade executed between one bank executes a trade onset by another banking agent Trader understands that Trader may be giving up the right to have arbitration through the above paragraph on foreign exchanges. All customer accounts will have their margin requirements established by the dealing desk at. establishes all rules and provisions for customer accounts, including but not limited to minimum account size, investment time period, commissions and incentive fees, or any other financial arrangements. It is the customer s responsibility to find out all necessary information about. and make sure that all arrangements are discussed and clearly understood prior to any trading activity. All customers should be aware that guaranteeing any return is illegal In addition, is not responsible for any claims or assurances made by its employees and or associates. Trader acknowledges having received, read and understood the foregoing Trader Account Letter and Trader Agreement The undersigned agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions hereof. Overnight interest rates swaps. Trailing stop. Pending orders. One-click trading. Mobile trading. Automated trading. Minimum account size 1.Minimum position size 0 1 lot. Spread type Variable. Typical spread on EUR USD, pips 1.Minimum spread on EUR USD, pips 0 4.Scalping Allowed. Expert advisors Allowed. Trading instruments. Digits after dot 5.Margin call level 60.Stop-out level 50.Minimum distance to stop limit orders, pips 1.Number of currency pairs of which exotic 60 45.Overnight interest rates swaps. Trailing stop. Pending orders. One-clic k trading. Mobile trading. Automated trading. Minimum account size 1.Minimum position size 0 01 lot. Spread type Fixed. Spread on EUR USD, pips 2.Scalping Allowed. Expert advisors Allowed. Trading instruments. Digits after dot 5.Margin call level 60.Stop-out level 50.Minimum distance to stop limit orders, pips 2.Number of currency pairs of which exotic 20 5.Overnight interest rates swaps. Trailing stop. Pending orders. One-click trading. Mobile trading. Automated trading. Minimum account size 1.Minimum position size 0 1 lot. Spread type Variable. Typical spread on EUR USD, pips 2.Minimum spread on EUR USD, pips 0 8.Scalping Allowed. Expert advisors Allowed. Trading instruments. Digits after dot 5.Margin call level 60.Stop-out level 50.Minimum distance to stop limit orders, pips 2.Number of currency pairs of which exotic 27 12.Overnight interest rates swaps. Trailing stop. Pending orders. One-click trading. Mobile trading. Automated trading. Minimum account size 1.Minimum position size 1 lot. Spread type Variabl e. Typical spread on EUR USD, pips 2.Minimum spread on EUR USD, pips 0 8.Scalping Allowed. Expert advisors Allowed. Trading instruments. Digits after dot 5.Margin call level 60.Stop-out level 50.Minimum distance to stop limit orders, pips 2.Number of currency pairs of which exotic 64 49.91 reviews of AccentForex are presented here All reviews represent only their author s opinion, which is not necessarily based on the real facts. Olena Nikishina Zaporoshie Trading account 2XXXX2.Wednesday, January 1, 2014.Have been trading with accentforex for more than 2 years I ve been withdrawn more than 50 000 for this time Other companies have some delays, or theirs Finacial dept doesn t work Accentforex works in noframes of regulations I m glad with their service I consider them a very good broker, and personally me, I trust them a great amount of my funds. Evgenyi Kondratenko Omsk Trading account 2XXXX2.Wednesday, January 1, 2014.Have been trading with accentforex for more than 2 years I ve been withd rawn more than 50 000 for this time Other companies have some delays, or theirs Finacial dept doesn t work Accentforex works in noframes of regulations I m glad with their service I consider them a very good broker, and personally me, I trust them a great amount of my funds. deena nepal Trading account XXXXXX. Tuesday, November 26, 2013.They have lots of tools in one account, this is a benefit For those who do not know, it s possible to earn using diversification among the trading instruments For several years this broker revealed itself as a very reliable. Oleg Dmitriev Barnaul Trading account 2XXXX1.Tuesday, November 5, 2013.Like trading with accentforex cause of their soft conditions to traderspany always ready to help their clients They have a good reputation among. other brokers so they are real professional I m a holder of Mini-account. it suits to my scalper-strategy Would like to say about their execution of orders - really. fast, minimum requotes There are times when spreads widen d uring major news I guess, but that s normal. In other words I m able to recommend accentforex, have a nice trading and big profit. elena Moscow Trading account 2XXXX1.Tuesday, September 24, 2013.I ve been trading with accent almost a year They provide extremely comfortable accounts with floating or fixed spread, this allows you to split up your funds under the different strategies I m using a fixed spread for aggressive trading-in a month rising from 100 to 3000 if a positive trend With floating spread the strategy gives me up to 30 per annum, but there is for a large deposits withdrawals pass quickly and without any questions For now I have only positive feelings after work with them. Gokhan Turkey Trading account 2XXXX0.Thursday, August 22, 2013.I ve been taking a part in all sorts of contests more than year. Many brokers come up with many contests and its all in vain. Never get higher than 10th position and it was making me upset deeply, the more so on forums most tells that it is all co n. accidently I googled master scalper for demo-accounts and it happened that I finally gained the lead on the second try during. the next week I ve got 1000 account. The emotions still overfill me. Totally the best ones. First of all I would definitely say that All these best and good comments about Accent Forex are made by Accent Forex Staffs and they are NOT TRUE. ACCENT FOREX is a real THIEF and they stole my money by so many ways to Cheat and so many Bullshit Excuses. DO NOT even think that you can withdraw your profit from ACCENT FOREX Just forget about it, Because You CAN NOT even withdraw your own money that you have Deposited to ACCENT FOREX. Please Just read all this comment and you will know by yourself. First of all ACCENT FOREX Is using the shutdown of Liberty Reserve as another new excuse to STEAL money from traders. My Name is UBONRAT HUANGSRI, I am from Thailand I would like to inform to all of you that Accent Forex is a pure SCAM and a real THIEF They Stole my own Deposit Money by giving my some bullshit Excuses about Liberty Reserve, which my Account does not concern with Liberty Reserve. Actually they have many different ways to Steal money from clients and I will tell you now. My first case with Accent Forex Began from 2011, when my husband Mr Jack Raphael I decided to trade with Accent Forex, and then we opened our first account under my Cousin s Name, and we deposited 2000 USD in her account, via Liberty Reserve, and they show their real face by first cheating They charged me 2 99 USD for each deposit I made via Liberty Reserve, which LR never charges any fees for transferring funds, LR was charging maximum 2 99 USD Only when it receive the fund, But it never charged when it Transfer the fund I knew this because I used LR for about 4-5 years and I also had accounts with another brokers and they never charge any fees when the client deposited via LR Then when I chatted with them and I ask them why They are charging this money They just gave me some bullshit answers that LR charges this money, NOT Accent Forex, Any way it was their first cheating, The second cheating is Their tons of RE-QUOTES and OFF - QUOTES and INVALID PRICES also DISCONNECTION of their MT4 That we got and we were unable to close the trades and Finally we lost, And the Third cheating of Accent Forex is it s bonus, They gave us a bullshit bonus, BUT They cut our bonus when we were minus, while we did not reach the Margin calls, They took back their bonus without any notification and when I asked them why They gave me another bullshit response that, it wasn t them, it was Central Bank that cut my bonus and took the bonus back Finally we had lost all my money for all these reasons RE-QUOTES and OFF - QUOTES and INVALID PRICES DISCONNECTION of their MT4 and also cutting their Bonus I still don t understand why Accent Forex offering bonuses when they plan to cut the bonus and cause the clients lose. So, It was not enough for us to see that Accent Forex is not honest and they a re cheating and we were thinking maybe it is our own fault and we cannot blame them, So after that we were stupid enough to open another 10 accounts with them under my cousins and Family Names and we Deposited again and again and they did the same ways to cheat and steal my money again Until we have lost more than 10000 USD of my own money and we did not make any profit even 1 USD. About my last case. So, we have decided to gave them one more shot and we opened a last new account under my own name UBONRAT HUANGSRI and I have Deposited my last money of 3000 USD Via LR, then my husband lost almost 1 3 of my account, Because of their RE-QUOTES and OFF - QUOTES and INVALID PRICES DISCONNECTION of their MT4.And after that situation happened with LR and it was shut down and closed, then I did request a withdrawal via Webmoney, But they did not allow me to withdrawal my own deposit money 2,084 USD remain that I had in my account and they gave me some bullshit Excuses about LR, I knew that it is just an Excuse, Because I have 3 accounts in 3 other Brokers and they allow clients to choose another options for Deposit and Withdrawal and I did withdrawal my money from other 3 brokers via Webmoney without any problems or Excuses about LR. So, after Accent Forex gave me this bullshit Excuse, I did open a new account with Accent Forex and I transferred all my money 2084 USD from my old account to the new account and I did choose Webmoney option and I also Deposited 9 USD via Webmoney to prove my new account with the new payment option, So after that I did request a withdrawal via Webmoney from my new account and again they did not allow me to withdrawal my own Deposit money Even though my new account does not concern with LR, I just wanted to withdraw my own Money that I have deposited to my account BUT they don t even let me to withdrawal my own money I also was agreed that Accent Forex take half of my money and let me to withdraw only half of my own deposit money But these bastards want all my money they don t even care that you are poor or what They just want to steal it Is it not funny that you Deposit and you lose almost 1 3 of your account and you cannot get the Remain of your own Deposit money back. Is it called STEALING or not. After that, I chatted with them and sent them so many E-mails but I never get any response except one bullshit Excuse they sent me by E-mail That. Dear UBONRAT HUANGSRI. We checked your Withdraw Request and remind you that your last deposit was from WebMoney Payment System on 9.Unfortunately, now you can not withdraw all requested funds due to a situation with Liberty Rsrv. We will keep you informed if the situation will changed. I then try to call them on Phone, But there was No answers, and I also find out that the Address and the phone number they mentioned on their site are just bullshit and never Exist. At last I would like to tell to everyone that Accent Forex is a Scam Broker, They are Thieves and they will Steal your money and You C an Not even get your own Deposit money Back from them I have lost more than 10000 USD Because of their cheatings and also they Stole my own Deposit money of 3000 USD. By the way, All these best and good comments here and on the other sites on the internet, Are All made by Accent Forex Staffs and they are NOT TRUE. And Below is the last conversation that I had today with these Bastards Accent Forex. Please just Judge it by yourself. Please wait for a site operator to respond. If you do not want to wait, please click here to leave us a message. Operator AccentForex has joined the chat. What can I do for you. My name is UBONRAT HUANGSRI and my account number is, 285250, I need to withdrawal some money from my account I have requested for many times in the past 22 days, I have sent you many E-mails and also sent so many requests from my profile room, But you never answer. I have sent to your fin Department for many times. last time was 3 days ago I chatted with one of your support and he said Yes, s ir We had your previous request, from 10 june And as I can see there was about LR deposit Please, try to send one more request to our Fin department, only them can handle with that Thank you. after that I have sent E-mails and messages to your Fin department and I still get no answers. Our Fin department didn t answer for your request, am I right I m leaving the attention mark about that That s actually all I an do for you. Sir I got this answer for almost a month now, Sir, I had enough to lose in the past 2 years I have opened many accounts with you, I have already lost more than 10000 USD, So I am asking you nicely please give me my own money Just give me half of my money and I will leave the other half it for you and I ll go away and you can even close my account after I withdrawal only half of my own money I did not make any profit, as I said I have lost 1 3 of my account and I just want to withdrawal only half of my own deposit money Don t I have Right to withdraw my own money. I have trusted in you, I did open many accounts with you with different names of my cousins and family so please let me just withdrawal only half of my money and I will leave the other half for you please. I have 3 accounts with another 3 brokers and I did withdrawal my money without any problems I did use LR for deposit and withdrawal to those brokers as well, but they did not have any problem for choosing another method to withdraw money, They know that, this is not the clients fault, it was LR fault, so they just let the clients to choose another option for deposit and withdrawal without any excuses and I did withdraw my money from 3 other brokers. But why are you doing this to your client. you know yourself, it is just an excuse, that you are telling me about LR problem. Sir, please let me just withdrawal only half of my money and I will leave the other half for you. Sir, I couldn t let you to withdraw money cause I m just a technical support Our Fin department is solving this problem, we rea lly want to help all our clients even when there is not our falt. You always pass me to your Fin Department and they never answer, they just once sent me an E-mail 22 days ago, the time I wanted to withdrawal my money that Unfortunately, now you can not withdraw all requested funds due to a situation with Liberty Rsrv. Ok, Just give me a straight answer that I will not get my own money, Then I ll go away and I won t bother you anymore. But I can t say that cause I don t know and I really hope that there would be another solution. Sir, there is nothing to solve You Just said your Fin department is solving this problem What Problem I don t see any problems The problem is with you You want to steal your clients money, and you giving your clients some Bullshit excuses, I just want to withdrawal my own deposit DO I HAVE RIGHT OR NOT. Sir, just tell me will you give me my own money or not. Sir, I did not stole this money to invest with you I worked hard for it and I also borrowed some from Bank, S o Please I don t want to get some excuses about LR I have already withdrawal my money from another 3 Brokers, and I want to withdrawal my money from your broker now I don t understand what is your problem with my own deposit money. I told you if you want to take it, then just tell me like a human and I ll go away. Sir, Please say something. I really don t know We haven t got the information that all the LR deposits will be cancel or wouldn t be return in any amount. I mean how could I say that we won t return you a money if I don t have such information Unfortunatelly, I haven t got any information about that as I said. Sir, IT IS NOT ABOUT LR IT IS ABOUT YOU YOU WANT TO TAKE YOUR CLIENTS MONEY and you give me some excuse about LR why the other brokers don t have this excuse because they are honest I have trusted in you, I did open more than 10 accounts with you, and I have lost all the money they had and I had in those accounts I just want to ask you Is this the answer and reward to your h onest client to take his money You can make as much more as this money by being honest to your client the client will deposit and he will lose any way But it will be the clients fault not yours but when you are doing this to your clients, it is called STEALING and nobody will trust you and you will pay for it even though you put best comments by your own staffs about your broker all over the internet it won t help anymore. We never do what you just say the accounts of our client s strictly fixed to them and deposit according to payment system which they choose. Then would you please look at the payment system I have chosen for my account It is Webmoney, It is NOT Liberty Reserve, My account does not concern with LR This is a new account I have opened and I did transfer my money from my old account to my new account and I did choose Webmoney option for deposit and withdrawal. do you have another excuses. We don t have to a excuse about any force-majeure circumstances. Why the other brokers d on t have such force-majeure circumstances excuses. My account does not concern with LR. Look, I am not Thai person, I am not from Thailand, I am from other country, and you will later know This lady UBONRAT HUANGSRI had opened an account with you and she invest 3000 USD, but I did trade for her I have lost 1 3 of her account till now is it not enough for you. what do you mean, sir. I stay in Thailand But I am not Thai, I am from other country. This account is belong to UBONRAT HUANGSRI from Thailand and she had opened an account with you and she invest 3000 USD, but I did trade for her and I have lost 1 3 of her account. Sir, please get her BACK her money and I ll go away nicely, and nothing will happen. Please just give her back only half of her money And you continue doing your business without any trouble, I am not threatening you, but I swear to GOD you ll have a big trouble, Just give her back her own money and I just go away. Remember it is not only you can get my IP Address, I have you rs too, and I know which country you are. I know your Address, It is not London or what so ever you are showing on your site. Sir, there is no reason to continue this conversation. My brother lives in London, he search for your Address, But the address and tel number you mention on your site is just bullshit and never exist. AND FINALLY I DID FIND YOUR ADDRESS BY YOUR IP. We will see you soon. Police will see you soon you damn scam. Oh, by the way I will also report it everywhere all over the internet for 1000 times that your broker is scam and your company is stealing people money by too many scam ways, and I do know your ways to steal I will tell all the people for 1000 times that you are a lie company, you have NO tel number or address, look at your address, your address or tel number never exist. Sir, Hellooooooo, R U here. Why you just shut up sir. What can I do for you. AccentForex Reviews and User Ratings. AccentForex Background. AccentForex is a relatively new company Established in 2010 in Seychelles, the company claims to have been successfully used by thousands of currency traders around the world Professionalism, transparency, and customer focus are their primarily goals As of yet AccentForex is unregulated They specialize in forex trading AccentForex s website is full of information that can be accessed in English or Russian The main page is easily laid out in three colors with tabs and column browsing Account signup, account access, customer help, and demo accounts can be accessed on any page by handy red banners Information is fairly straightforward and easy to locate. Features of AccentForex. The broker has four types of accounts The MICRO account is designed for beginners with limited financial resources The MINI account is set up for traders with some experience and offers unlimited usage of AccentForex trading tools The PROFIT account is set up for market professionals and offers the widest range of trading tools and flexible conditions Finally, the STP account is the most popular It offers no requotes and minimal spreads All accounts are available SWAP-FREE to meet the religious requirements of some traders AccentForex offers a free demo account The broker utilizes MT4, the most popular and reliable online trading platform The website does offer a section of the most recent forex news for educational purposed. Overall, AccentForex provides a good range of services Most traders would be satisfied working with this broker. Features and Trading Instruments. Pros and Cons. AccentForex offers customer service 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Live chat, Skype, phone and email are all available. Plus, the website offers email addresses for specific departments, so your request will make it to the right place. The company s low initial deposit of 1, fixed and variable spreads, and Islamic friendly accounts are all positives. The narrow, fixed and dynamic spreads and availability to use scalping are also attractive to many traders. The biggest downsides are Acc entForex s lack of regulation and inability to accept U S based clients. back to menu. Account Type. Minimum Account Size 1.Spread Low Variable. Trading Instruments Forex, Gold Silver, CFDs, Futures. Trading Platforms MT4, Mobile Trader. Margin Call Level 60.Stop-Out Level 50.Minimum Account Size 1.Spread Low Fixed. Trading Instruments Forex, Gold Silver, CFDs, Futures. Trading Platforms MT4, Mobile Trader. Margin Call Level 60.Stop-Out Level 50.Minimum Account Size 1.Spread Low Variable. Trading Instruments Forex, Gold Silver, CFDs, Futures. Trading Platforms MT4, Mobile Trader. Margin Call Level 60.Stop-Out Level 50. Minimum Spreads from 0 8 pips. Minimum position size 0 1 lot. Minimum Account Size 1.Spread Low Variable. Trading Instruments Forex, Gold Silver, CFDs, Futures. Trading Platforms MT4, Mobile Trader. Margin Call Level 60.Stop-Out Level 50. Minimum position size 1 lot. AccentForex Review Score. AccentForex Reviews and User Ratings. March 12, 2017 at 11 32 am on Fresh Forex Reviews and User Ratings I was with FreshForex for about a year They are scammers and cheaters When they see we make profit, they will try to give slippages, MT4 Server disconnection and all. March 11, 2017 at 6 22 am on Fresh Forex Reviews and User Ratings I was recently scammed by FreshForex, I d invested 5,500 USD over a matter of months and lost all of it within in an day I believe they purposely liquidated my. March 10, 2017 at 10 02 am on HotForex Reviews and User Ratings My overall trading experience with this broker is good so far The trading platform they offer is easy to navigate and i never had any hassles in withdrawing my profits. March 6, 2017 a t 1 47 pm on Fresh Forex Reviews and User Ratings my wife and i really frustrated with this company They are too good to be true, bonus and good words But when we already wanted to withdraw our money back. February 28, 2017 at 9 16 pm on Instaforex Reviews and User Ratings I joined InstaForex since 2013 and from that time, I could see how much this company is improving When I became a client, I didn t know too much about forex. February 28, 2017 at 8 00 am on Instaforex Reviews and User Ratings I started to trade since 2013 but all what I have seen during all this time is excellent Services they offer are great and targeted to all type of traders. February 27, 2017 at 1 10 pm on HotForex Reviews and User Ratings Really good broker with decent spreads and timely withdrawal It is my third withdraw from them and it hardly takes a day to transfer the amount to my ewallet since. February 26, 2017 at 1 08 pm on FxPro Reviews and User Ratings FxPro is a big company with white reputation and europ ean licences and regulation Tight spreads are real - exactly like promo says Didn t noticed any anomalous slippages or requotes In. February 21, 2017 at 5 19 pm on YesOption Reviews and User Ratings I had a terrible experience with them First they will send a sweet-coated tongue talker over the phone to get you to join and deposit Then they faff about with. February 21, 2017 at 3 41 pm on Instaforex Reviews and User Ratings This broker never fails me I ve been trading with instaforex for almost 2 years and they proved to be extremely reliable Last week I copied several trades with a trader. February 10, 2017 at 11 46 am on FxPro Reviews and User Ratings Reliable forex broker with good attitude so far I work with fxpro more than 5 years and I can say that they always maintain a high level of service Execution. February 1, 2017 at 12 11 pm on Instaforex Reviews and User Ratings InstaForex is a broker you can trust I m with them for one year now and I already tested them in many ways, so I ca n affirm that they always do. January 27, 2017 at 3 14 am on CM Trading Reviews and User Ratings I really satisfied with services from CM Trading on education I can study and learn more to understand about forex and trading platform It is easy to learn, they have. January 24, 2017 at 3 14 pm on HotForex Reviews and User Ratings I started trading with this broker in September last year, however since then I have a satisfactory experience with them The trading platform is smooth and easy to navigate, the. January 19, 2017 at 4 49 pm on FxPro Reviews and User Ratings FxPro is one of the industry s leading forex brokers, and it keeps being that for all the last years With the range of account types, client support and conditions on. January 11, 2017 at 6 23 am on Instaforex Reviews and User Ratings I am trading for the past 5 years with Instaforex and still happy with them When my friend recommended it to me I decided to give it a shot and. January 10, 2017 at 5 35 pm on Yadix Reviews and User Ratings I m trading more then 3 years with them and so far all is perfect for me and my strategy Only in the beginning I had small issue with the connection. January 8, 2017 at 10 10 am on FxPro Reviews and User Ratings I have trading account at FxPro for more than a year Didn t have any real problems with them during this time If I have any questions my manager helps me. January 5, 2017 at 3 38 pm on HotForex Reviews and User Ratings Trading for the last three months and so far i have no complaints with this broker The order execution is easy and the spreads are really low They processed all. January 4, 2017 at 9 58 am on Instaforex Reviews and User Ratings InstaForex deserves to be called as the best broker because they always provide the best trading quality for clients and prospective clients Two years ago, when I intend to become. January 3, 2017 at 3 26 pm on JustForex Reviews and User Ratings I am a newbie on forex i am a trader for 9 months for now and this broker was my first choi ce I can t say anything bad about it as. January 3, 2017 at 10 09 am on Instaforex Reviews and User Ratings I would like to thank this company for giving me a lot of opportunities to increase my trading capital, and of course for helping me when I had a problem. January 2, 2017 at 5 34 pm on 99Binary Reviews and User Ratings Approximately 6 -7 months ago I signed up with 99binary I was frustrated at first but they quickly more than doubled my initial investment of 500 Since then customer service. August 15, 2016 at 2 33 pm on Interactive Option Reviews and User Ratings Closed I never for one day regretted trading with Interactive Option brokerage firm as the entire experience was great and wonderful I did not even lose a single trade and the. July 28, 2016 at 9 00 am on CM Trading Reviews and User Ratings These guys take the term support and completely redefine it Their customer support is just incredible, not only do they check back on you when you have concerns they re actually. July 26, 2016 at 2 50 pm on Banc de Binary Reviews and User Ratings The simplicity in trading coupled with high tech trading platform of banc de binary are the reasons why I just love to trade with them I was able to make. July 23, 2016 at 3 13 am on CMS Forex Reviews and User Ratings I used to hate CMS FX before and I regretted my decision of ever opening an account with them however, after being bought out recently by their services have. July 21, 2016 at 10 09 am on Opteck Reviews and User Ratings There are lots of account types offered to clients by Opteck so as to make it easy for individual to select the one that will suit his or her trading. July 20, 2016 at 11 05 am on 2Options Reviews and User Ratings Due to the high innovative nature of 2Option platform, I was able to enjoy my trade while on the go For that reason, I never missed any opportunity and I. July 18, 2016 at 7 15 am on Blackwell Global Reviews and User Ratings I especially like boasting about the fact that my broker is one of t he few that handle contracts for differences capably This is more sophisticated than playing the spreads, involving.

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